After enjoying the previous three books in this series, this one was a very disappointing read. The wit, humor, and action that is loved about this series was noticeably absent from City of Fallen Angels. It seemed the writing was forced, and left me wishing the series would have ended as a trilogy like it was originally planned. Should this keep you from reading the book? No, many others have enjoyed it. Plus, we can look forward to City of Lost Souls set to be released May 1, 1012 and City of Heavenly Fire set to be released September 1, 2013. Hopefully, City of Fallen Angels was just a small bump in the road on the way to enjoying more wonderful books by Cassandra Clare in the Mortal Instruments series.
Check out another series by Cassandra Clare called: The Infernal Devices.
Visit The Mortal Instruments website to learn more about the series and the upcoming books.
Check out my reviews of a few other books in this series!

Have you read the Infernal Devices Series yet? I LOVED this trilogy! Check out my reviews!

Don't Forget The Dark Artifices!

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