How long have you been writing?
The first novel I wrote I was 15. I recently just found it again, and even though it’s not that bad for a 15 year old, it will never see the light of day. I started writing short stories when I was about ten though, so sixteen years now. The first novel I wrote I was 15. I recently just found it again, and even though it’s not that bad for a 15 year old, it will never see the light of day. I started writing short stories when I was about ten though, so sixteen years now.
What inspired you to write The Last Call?
Too much alcohol and followed by too many one night stands. (Kidding mom!...sort of) I thought of Last Call while I was in the middle of writing a different story. I stopped only long enough to take notes and then suddenly the last chapter was there needing to be put on paper. Once it was down I went back to my original story but it kept nagging at me until finally I scratched what I was working on and picked up with what would be Last Call. Funnily enough the last chapter that started it all didn’t end up in the final cut.
Is anything in your book based on real life experiences or purely all imagination?
Well, I definitely haven’t gotten drunk and married in Vegas – at least not yet anyway. There are some parts that hit a little too close to home, thankfully not as horrible as the book betrays though.
If your real life was a fictional novel, what would you, the main character, be like?
I think I’d be a lot like Abigail was in Last Call, with a little bit of mix of Cali. I’ve been told I can come off as having a cold exterior like Abby did in the book, but I’m also feisty and incredibly loyal and protective of my friends like she is. I also have a big mouth like Cali and tend to say whatever is on my mind regardless of how appropriate it might be. It gets me into trouble quite often.
What do you like to do when you're not writing?
I love to read, shocker for an author who loves to read, right? Since I’ve had children I’ve learned to love to cook and bake, something I hated to do before. And I also get to sit through vast amounts of Scooby-Doo marathons with my boys, whether I like it or not.
What project are you working on now?
I’m writing my second book Playing With Fire. It has a scheduled release date for September 2012 if all goes well and I can hit my deadline on time. I’m an extremely slow writer. I also have an idea for a third book that is completely different than what I’ve done so far. I’m really excited to get started on that one.
What is the best piece of writing advice you ever received?
Just because you don’t know about the subject, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t write about it. If there’s an idea in your head and you really want to go with it, even though you don’t know much about the topic, just do it. There’s always ways to educate yourself with what you need to learn.
What is a little something about yourself you'd like your readers to know?
I am a hopeless non-romantic! Just because I write about the sappy love stuff, doesn’t mean I believe it. I also have an unhealthy addiction to Crystal Light, have to dry my plates four times counter-clockwise and hate feet.
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