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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Book Review: Bound by Annie Oldham

Genre: Young Adult (Fantasy)
Published: March 1, 2012
Publisher: Create Space

The Blurb:
After her mother dies, Elowyn Challis would do anything to bury the pain, but being shipped off to boarding school isn't what she had in mind. Things could be worse. Wyn finds a place for herself in the academy and living in the capital is just sparkling. But under it all, her mother's death still haunts her. Then Wyn discovers a secret that changes everything she believes: the bedtime stories her mother told her as a child are real, the faerie realm exists, and she is the Binder—the one mortal on earth with the power to seal the gate to Fae. It's a power Wyn's not sure she wants or can even wield. But she must confront her nightmares and her grief, or two worlds will be torn apart.

My Review:
Bound is the second novel I've read by Annie Oldham. Like The Burn, I was whisked away into a story only he could create. This time her story involved faeries, brownies, and a whole new fantasy World. There is some romance involved, but the story doesn't revolve around it. Wyn was a very believable character. She had her flaws as well as her strengths making her just like the rest of us, okay well obviously not just like the rest of us. But she is he type of girl we all fantasize we could be. What girl doesn't want to be that girl, with a sudden special power capable of saving the world or maybe even two worlds? Annie Oldham's writing makes it easy to escape reality and become Wyn for a few days. 

To read more about this book and the author, visit Annie Oldham's website. You can also find her on Facebook and Twitter.

Bound by Annie Oldham was sent to me from the author for review. The opinions are my own.

Check out my reviews of other books by this author!

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