Genre: Young Adult (Paranormal Romance)
Date Published: August 9, 2014
Publisher: Self
Darkness is another addictively, suspenseful book by Elizabeth Arroyo. I love books that keep you guessing, and that's what this one did. I pegged everyone as guilty at some time or another while reading, but I never predicted it completely. I enjoyed the friendship/romance that started to grow between Carly and Hunter. Some things were kind of obvious, but I still found it enjoyable. My main issue was Carly. I understand everyone deals with grief and trauma differently, but she lacked any sense of self preservation what so ever. As a reader, that wore on me quite a bit after a while. It wasn't overwhelmingly supernatural, but there was definitely some superatural aspects to it that start off subtle at first. The story reminded me of a Steven King novel in ways, only minus all the extra fluff pages which is bonus points in my opinion.
The ARC of Darkness by Elizabeth Arroyo was kindly provided to me by the author for review. The opinions are my own.
Elizabeth is the author of three young adult thrillers. During her
spare time, Elizabeth enjoys learning about tactical fighting and zombie
warfare with the gamers in her household. She also enjoys long walks
and spending time with her family.
Elizabeth graduated from Northeastern Illinois University with a BA in Psychology and has worked in the community in hopes of changing the world...or at least the life of a child.
To learn more about Elizabeth Arroyo and her books, visit her website.You can also find her on Facebook and Twitter.
The ARC of Darkness by Elizabeth Arroyo was kindly provided to me by the author for review. The opinions are my own.
Elizabeth graduated from Northeastern Illinois University with a BA in Psychology and has worked in the community in hopes of changing the world...or at least the life of a child.
To learn more about Elizabeth Arroyo and her books, visit her website.You can also find her on Facebook and Twitter.
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