Genre: Young Adult (Action/Adventure/Romance)
Date Published: January 5, 2017
Publisher: Inkspell Publishing

A Starr falls, and a family is found.
On the run from the Organization, Starr and Christian find safety on the Qualla Boundary with their friends, Ben and Coda, but Starr needs answers. She owes her dear dead friends, Sami and Jody, that much. She forms a team of her own to fight the general and his recruits.
Di, a mutual friend and anti-everything is a no-brainer, plus her Taser will come in handy. Frank, Starr’s BFF, will put his life on the line for her. Ben and Coda, not to be outdone by Starr’s friends, also swear their allegiance. Christian’s the only hold out. He knows what the Organization is capable of. He has the beaten body to prove it, but when Starr wants something, she gets it.
Now that the team’s together, everything should be perfect. Trouble is Starr loves Christian but so does Di. And Frank, well, he’s never been very good at hiding his love for Starr. Will his four-year long crush on her threaten the safety of the team?
Life becomes tense on the Qualla Boundary, sparks fly, and the Organization is about to smash in their door.

Starr Lost is the second book in the Starr Fall series by Kim Briggs. We got some answers. Not many, but some. There is still so much I want to know!!
I'm not liking an aspect of the Organization so far. I was hoping it would have been something entirely different. Anything else actually, but I really, really, REALLY wish it didn't bring the church into it. There has been a lot of that. Whether on TV or in books, fiction and the media seems to make Christians look like horrible people most of the time, and I'm pretty over it. I get it! There's a stereo type for a reason. They drive me nuts too! But, there is a big difference between people who fall under that religious stereotype and true Christians. Books, shows, and the media rarely make that distinction, and it's become a major peeve of mine over the years. I think the book tried to make a distinction, but for me, those pages were highly disparaging, and I felt like I was reading media propaganda with incorrect terminology. So, the church tie-in as a whole disappointed me on many levels. After all the build up, I was hoping for something more unique for the Organization. Hopefully, all is not how it seems though. As you'll also find out in this book, the Organization and those within it are pretty crafty, so maybe things were a set up, and the characters are barking up the wrong tree.
I really liked the prologue in the beginning. It was nice to have a little reminder of what we read in the first book to refresh the story line. I wish more authors would do that.
I still don't trust all of the characters, but they are fun so far. They make a pretty good & entertaining team too. There was a lot of making out between Starr and Christian. Their relationship was a heavy focus of this story. There may even be another romance brewing. You know me. I love a good romance, but I still feel like I need more on the Organization. I'm just that nosy, I guess. I like Starr and Christian quite a bit. They keep me coming back for more. This time around we get Di's point of view along with Starr's. Her perspective was nice to have. She gave us a different look at some things. I love this author's writing style. It pulls me in. The pacing is quick, and it keeps my attention.
I'm ready to get to the real meat and potatoes of what's going on with the Organization! Bring it Organization! Bring it!
Lost Starr by Kim Briggs was kindly provided to me by the author for review. The opinions are my own.
Kim once smashed into a tree while skiing. The accident led to a concussion, a cracked sternum, temporary notoriety as a sixth grader returned from the dead, and the realization that fictionalized accounts are way more interesting than just slipping on the ice.
An unhealthy obsession with conspiracy theories combined with a love of travel and happily ever afters led Kim to write her YA novel, Starr Fall, where a secret organization decides 17 year old Starr Bishop is not only the model student, but the ideal assassin. While in hiding, Starr meets dark, moody, and dead sexy Christian Evergood. Cue the swoon worthy music. But it’s not all happily ever afters for Kim. Her NA novel, And Then He, explores the dark and scary corners of the human psyche. Following a night of innocent flirting with a handsome stranger, Tiffani finds herself in the midst of a nightmare she can’t escape. And Then He is available now through Amazon and other major book retailers. Starr Fall will debut November 2016 with Inkspell Publishing, followed by Starr Lost in January 2017.
When she’s not doing something writerly, Kim can be found jumping into snow drifts with her three kids, husband, and dog. She’s careful to avoid trees.
To learn more about Kim Briggs and her books, visit her website.You can also find her on Goodreads, Facebook, Google+, and Twitter.

An unhealthy obsession with conspiracy theories combined with a love of travel and happily ever afters led Kim to write her YA novel, Starr Fall, where a secret organization decides 17 year old Starr Bishop is not only the model student, but the ideal assassin. While in hiding, Starr meets dark, moody, and dead sexy Christian Evergood. Cue the swoon worthy music. But it’s not all happily ever afters for Kim. Her NA novel, And Then He, explores the dark and scary corners of the human psyche. Following a night of innocent flirting with a handsome stranger, Tiffani finds herself in the midst of a nightmare she can’t escape. And Then He is available now through Amazon and other major book retailers. Starr Fall will debut November 2016 with Inkspell Publishing, followed by Starr Lost in January 2017.
When she’s not doing something writerly, Kim can be found jumping into snow drifts with her three kids, husband, and dog. She’s careful to avoid trees.
To learn more about Kim Briggs and her books, visit her website.You can also find her on Goodreads, Facebook, Google+, and Twitter.
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