Genre: Young Adult (Fantasy)
After her father's death Zara hasn't been herself. She's obsessed with phobias, and she's seeing someone semi-stalking her who she thinks is a figment of her imagination. Her mom sends her to Maine to live with her grandmother in hopes that Zara will regain her sanity by being away from home. Zara soon finds out that not only has her stalker followed her to Maine, but young males are disappearing in the area and things are not what they seem. Zara seems to be the center of it all.
The storyline was a great idea. At the same time, there were many similarities to other Young Adult books that are popular right now. The beginning especially reminded me of a certain popular favorite, and I think that put a bad taste in my mouth from the get go. I would have liked something a little more original. I had a love hate-relationship with Zara. She seems fun and intelligent in her mental dialogs, but there are things the audience will figure out way before she does, even when they are completely obvious. I loved Zara's phobia addiction. They were random and quirky, but phobias are something that interest me quite a bit, not to the great extent as Zara, but I've always enjoyed learning about them. There was a surprise or two along the way that kept the book an entertaining and fast read. As a whole, it just didn't grip me like I hoped it would.
It was nice to read something a little different. I know there are a few out there, but this is the first book I've read so far that uses this particular type of antagonist. The ending left me curious enough to read the second book in the series.
To read more about this series and the author, visit Carrie Jones' website.
CYou can also read this review on Examiner.
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