Genre: Young Adult (Paranormal/Fantasy Romance)
Three men come to Nikki's rescue as she's being chased through the woods by evil beasts determined to kill or torture her. The men, Mace, Raven, and Vine, are known as Halflings, and are dedicated to defending Nikki from the evils that are all of a sudden after her. She's never been the boy crazy type before, but she soon finds herself having feelings for two of the handsome Halflings. She thinks she is risking a broken heart, what she doesnt know is Mace and Raven would be risking everything.
The book presented some new ideas, and I enjoyed some of the different takes on angels that this story had to offer. Nikki is not your typical bubblegum teenager. She rides a motorcycle, knows karate, and is an artist. She has some depth to her. Mace is the strong protector and Raven is the bad boy. The love triangle had things I liked and disliked about it, mostly revolving around how Nikki handled her feelings for Mace and Raven. I felt she came off a tad shallow at times with how quickly she turned her feelings on and off. At the same time, it is hard to fault her because that is what it's like to be a teenager. They feel everything so strongly and passionately and in the moment. The story offered intense action, mystery, twists and turns, and romance that kept me reading page after page quicker than I realized. Halflings opens with action and closes with action, and I'm anxiously ready and waiting for the sequel.
To learn more about Heather Burch and her books, visit her website. You can also find her on Twitter.
You can also read this review at Examiner
Halflings by Heather Burch was provided to me by the publisher through Net Galley for review. The opinions are my own.
You can also read this review at Examiner
Halflings by Heather Burch was provided to me by the publisher through Net Galley for review. The opinions are my own.
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