How long have you been writing?
Forever! No, like most writers, I had silly little “books” I wrote growing up. My most memorable was a graphic novel Fury Woman, about this lady scientist who spilled acid on her face and turned evil.
Officially, I got an English degree and then a journalism master’s, so I worked as a news writer for about fifteen years before switching to books. The novelist gig has only been going since 2009.
What inspired you to write Rouge?
It was Fall 2010, and I was shopping my book The Truth About Faking, which is a sweet YA romantic comedy. I’d been reading a lot of those, and I wanted something different. Something dark and terrible and emotional and edgy.
I was thinking about orphans and Oliver Twist for the characters, and then I thought about New Orleans and Moulin Rouge for the setting, and since it’s the south, I thought about Gone With The Wind and how it has that ambiguous ending…
I really wanted to go all out and mix up a lot of things I loved. Glee was doing a lot of mash-ups at the time. So I just sat down and wrote, and that’s what came out! (Does that even make sense? J)
Which of your characters do you relate to most and why?
Honestly, I think I have to say Hale in Rouge and Jackie in The Truth About Faking. Both of these characters are caregivers in a sense, and I’m a mom. (Jackie’s an actual MOM, but Hale is just Teeny’s “protector.” She’s like a mom.)
I understand that feeling of wanting to shield a smaller, weaker person from the “bad” stuff. (Which in both of these books totally backfires. You have to let people grow up!)
What is a secret about you that nobody else knows?
OMG, I wish there were some of these. Unfortunately I can’t keep secrets. I’m a total blabbermouth… *cringe* LOL! J
What book have you read too many times to count?
My TBR list is so long right now, I don’t really have time to re-read things. But there are certain parts of certain books I’ve reread an embarrassing number of times. (reow!)
What is the best piece of writing advice you ever received?
Just keep writing. It’s so true. No matter what, writers write. And revise and rewrite, etc.
If you could hop into the life of any fictional character, who would it be and why?
I love all my characters, but I have a science fiction book with an agent right now, and the main character in it is just awesome. Her name’s Prentiss Puckett, and she’s feisty and fierce and has this amazing adventure. I want to be her!
What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books?
Writing tragic scenes or scenes where bad things happen to my characters is incredibly hard. I literally have to force myself to go back and flesh them out because my first drafts are always very fast and thin. I don’t want to write them! And then I’m in a funky mood for days after. :P
What do you like to do when you're not writing?
Go to movies! I’m a total movie junkie. My daughters and I go all the time. It’s great.
Thank you so much for stopping by!
Thanks so much for having me here, Gabby! I hope you enjoy Rouge~
A Blurb About Rogue:

Freddie Lovel, Hale's wealthy Parisian suitor, seems to be the easy solution. If only his touch could arouse her interest like Beau's, the penniless stagehand who captures her heart.
Denying her fears, Hale is poised to choose love until an evil lurking in their cabaret-home launches a chain of events that could cost her everything.
Don't forget to check out my reviews of Rogue, The Truth About Faking, and The Truth About Letting Go by Leigh Talbert Moore!by Leigh Talbert Moore!!
To learn more about Leigh Talbert Moore and her books, visit her blog.You can also find her on Facebook and Twitter.
Holiday Special on Rogue by Leigh Talbert Moore! only 99 cents!
Thank you so much for the great interview, Gabby! Hope you enjoy my books and have a wonderful holiday season! Best~ <3