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Friday, May 24, 2013

Book Review: Love's Forbidden Flower by Diane Rinella

Genre: New Adult (Edgy Contemporary Romance)
Date Published: November 28, 2012
Publisher: Midnight to Six

The Blurb:
The heart cares not what society forbids.

Lily nurtures a secret love for a flawless man—the one who is her soul mate. Donovan is gorgeous, charismatic, and delights in all of Lily’s talents and quirks. Their innate knowledge of each other is almost telepathic. Together they interlock like fine threads creating luxurious silk.

But society dictates this picture-perfect adoration is the ghastliest of all possibilities.

As Lily embarks on a quest for the romance the heavens intended, her suitor turns reluctant. Desperate to uncover why Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hiding decayed from a tender-hearted gentleman into a ferociously self-serving, cocky bastard, Lily is prepared for battle when it comes to the salvation of her soul mate. However, Donovan traps Lily in a mental game of chess, leaving her to question his sanity. When Lily’s revelations about Donovan’s destructive alter ego lead to an inconceivable truth, can she help Donovan survive fate’s cruel joke?

Impassioned, witty, and deeply moving, Love’s Forbidden Flower is filled with stunning controversies that will forever haunt your heart.

My Review:

Love's Forbidden Flower by Diane Rinella was an unusual, unique story that peaked my curiosity. I can't say that I've ever read something like it. With that being said,  I just didn't find this story enjoyable. I tried to find a deeper meaning behind their incestuous relationship, but had no luck. Lily seems pretty superficial, and I didn't really think she had the personality type that would even consider this kind of relationship. I got the impression Donovan had some mental issues going on that started long before any feelings towards his sister appeared. Of course, these feelings didn't help matters. I thought maybe we'd find out about an abusive situation that brought them together as a support system for each other, but that didn't happen. I mean, there was abuse, but that started after the fact. The story touched on the idea of soul mates and the possibility of past lives that brought them together in this life, but that seemed like a reach for me too. Christopher was a fun character though. I had high hopes that he would come in, change everything, and save the day. I get the whole: fighting the norms of society thing, but there are big reasons, both medically and psychologically, why it's a bad idea for siblings to be sexually involved, and I just couldn't get past that. I didn't feel like this book spread a good message, and it's not one I could recommend. 

Love's Forbidden Flower by Diane Rinella was provided to me by the Xpresso Book Tours for review. The opinions are my own.

The Book Trailer: 

About the Author:
Enjoying San Francisco as a backdrop, the ghosts in Diane’s 150-year old Victorian home augment the chorus in her head. With insomnia as their catalyst, these voices have become multifarious characters that haunt her well into the sun’s crowning hours, refusing to let go until they have manipulated her into succumbing to their whims. Her experiences as an actress, business owner, artisan cake designer, software project  manager, Internet radio disc jockey, vintage rock n’ roll journalist/fan girl, and lover of dark and quirky personalities influence her idiosyncratic writing.

She is currently completing the sequel to Love’s Forbidden Flower.

To learn more about  Diane Rinella and her books, visit her website.You can also find her on Facebook and Twitter.

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