Nely Cab was born on December 9, 1974, in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico. She has lived and resided in South Texas most of her life. In 2001, the author relocated to Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, where she dedicated time to the study of culinary arts and the art of oil painting.
After her return to the U.S., she resumed her employment in banking and in the following year transitioned to the field of Social Work. Later, Nely took up writing as a hobby and produced her first novel entitled "Creatura".
The rights to "Creatura" were sold to a leading Young Adult publisher in a foreign country in May 2012 and was published in June 2013.
Today, Nely Cab writes from the comfort of her home in South Texas, where she lives with her husband and son. Her life goal is to check-off Bucket List Item No. 95,623,351: To Conquer the World. While she aspires world domination, Nely continues to work on her debut series Creatura.
Music is LIFE and the written word is our SOUL. Music and writing have been my true ambition since I was a child. I have used music in every form possible; writing it, performing it, healing with it, etc. I call it my "life's soundtrack." I have always written in some form; from comic books to screenplays to short stories and now the new series "Ember." I have found a true passion for my stories and characters and am eager to share them with the world. See you on the next book tour...M.D
Cameo Renae was born in San Francisco, CA, raised in Maui, Hawaii, and recently moved with her husband and children to Alaska.
She loved reading from as long as she can remember, and it was C.S. Lewis' - Chronicles of Narnia – which sparked a fire in her soul and made her want to create her own wondrous, magical worlds and characters to go on adventures with.
Her published books are In My Dreams (A YA Paranormal Romance Thriller), Hidden Wings (Book #1 in the HW Series), Descent (A HW Series Novella) and Broken Wings (Book #2 in HW Series).
One day she hopes to find her own magic wardrobe, and ride
away on her magical unicorn... until then... she'll keep writing!
To learn more about Cameo Renae and her books, visit her website and blog.You can also find her on Goodreads, Facebook, and Twitter.

I think it's such a fun idea.