Genre: Young Adult (Contemporary/Paranormal Romance)
Date Published: December 1, 2013
Publisher: Self
Event Coordinator: AToMR Tours
Pre-order: iTunes | Kobo
The Blurb:
Julia has been in love with Michael for years. He’s the hottest guy in school, and she can’t believe her luck when they finally hit it off during Senior Prom. Her dream doesn’t last, though: after a few dates, he callously dumps her out of the blue. Summer vacation starts with Julia feeling heart-broken and miserable.But then she rescues Michael in the woods when he has a motorcycle accident in a heavy thunderstorm. From that point onward, her life is turned upside down.
Michael has changed completely after the blow to the head that nearly killed him... and he wants her back. But why is he so different? And will she be able to trust him this time around?
Can the boy who broke your heart ever win it back again..?
Sneak Peek!
Julia trailed behind her boss as she walked over to the cash register, looking left and right to catch a glimpse of her other colleagues.
“Kolbe!” her brand-new boss shouted toward the entrance. “Come and help me out, will you?”
Julia stopped dead, frozen in her tracks. Was she going deaf, or had Martin just said… Her heart hammered ridiculously fast as her eyes zoomed in on the front door.
“He’ll come and help you at the register.” Martin’s voice sounded as though it was coming from far away. He left her standing there, rooted to the spot.
Julia tried to snap out of her paralysis and stumbled the final few steps to the counter. Her breath hitched when she saw an all-too-familiar figure walking in her direction. She swallowed. But surely it couldn’t be. Oh God, no. No, no, no. This was not happening.
And then, she couldn’t look anywhere else but up, straight into two eyes green as the forest.
“What on earth are you doing here?” Julia stared at him in alarm.
“I work here,” he replied unfazed, a half-smile tugging at his lips.
“Since when?” It was simply not possible that she, in her unfailing stalker mode, had somehow missed this: Michael holding a job at the same bookstore she’d applied to two days ago.
“Since last week.”
His smug composure quickly turned her initial befuddlement into outright infuriation.
“Why?” she demanded fractiously.
He raised an eyebrow. “To earn some extra cash?” he declared in an ‘isn’t-that-really-obvious’ tone.
“But why here?”
Michael started to chuckle. “Why are you giving me the third degree?”
“Are you following me or something?” she grumbled, her heart treacherously leaping in her chest for a moment as she considered the possibility.
“Well, I’m sorry to burst your bubble here, but I think it’s the other way around. First, you turn up at the pub I always hang out at on weeknights, then, you decide to take a jog near the place where I almost had a fatal accident, and now you turn out to have applied for a job at the same store I’ve been working at for the past week. What does it look like to you?”
Shucks, he was right. Julia resisted the urge to stamp her foot like a little girl.
“In your dreams, you arrogant bastard,” she muttered. “Everybody says I should stay away from you.”
In the silence that followed, she could still hear her heart beating in her throat.
“Kolbe!” her brand-new boss shouted toward the entrance. “Come and help me out, will you?”
Julia stopped dead, frozen in her tracks. Was she going deaf, or had Martin just said… Her heart hammered ridiculously fast as her eyes zoomed in on the front door.
“He’ll come and help you at the register.” Martin’s voice sounded as though it was coming from far away. He left her standing there, rooted to the spot.
Julia tried to snap out of her paralysis and stumbled the final few steps to the counter. Her breath hitched when she saw an all-too-familiar figure walking in her direction. She swallowed. But surely it couldn’t be. Oh God, no. No, no, no. This was not happening.
And then, she couldn’t look anywhere else but up, straight into two eyes green as the forest.
“What on earth are you doing here?” Julia stared at him in alarm.
“I work here,” he replied unfazed, a half-smile tugging at his lips.
“Since when?” It was simply not possible that she, in her unfailing stalker mode, had somehow missed this: Michael holding a job at the same bookstore she’d applied to two days ago.
“Since last week.”
His smug composure quickly turned her initial befuddlement into outright infuriation.
“Why?” she demanded fractiously.
He raised an eyebrow. “To earn some extra cash?” he declared in an ‘isn’t-that-really-obvious’ tone.
“But why here?”
Michael started to chuckle. “Why are you giving me the third degree?”
“Are you following me or something?” she grumbled, her heart treacherously leaping in her chest for a moment as she considered the possibility.
“Well, I’m sorry to burst your bubble here, but I think it’s the other way around. First, you turn up at the pub I always hang out at on weeknights, then, you decide to take a jog near the place where I almost had a fatal accident, and now you turn out to have applied for a job at the same store I’ve been working at for the past week. What does it look like to you?”
Shucks, he was right. Julia resisted the urge to stamp her foot like a little girl.
“In your dreams, you arrogant bastard,” she muttered. “Everybody says I should stay away from you.”
In the silence that followed, she could still hear her heart beating in her throat.
About the Author:
Minkman (1978) was born in Holland, in the town of Alphen aan den Rijn. When she was 19, she moved between The Hague, Salzburg (Austria), Brussels (Belgium) and Cambridge (UK) to complete her studies in intercultural communication. She is currently a teacher of English, career counsellor and teenage coach at a secondary school in Voorburg, Holland. She tries to read at least 100 books a year (and write a few, too!). She is a published author in her own country, and translates her own books from Dutch into English for self-publication.
In her spare time, she plays the piano, the guitar and the violin. For every novel she writes, she creates a soundtrack.
'I have always been drawn to writing. My first book was a sci-fi novel at the age of eight, which I painstakingly typed out on my dad's typewriter and illustrated myself. Nowadays, I stick to poetry, paranormal romance, chicklit and/or fantasy. In my home country, I am the first-ever published writer of paranormal romance, and I will gradually make my books also available in English (seeing I have to re-write and translate the books myself, this will take some time!
To learn more about Jen Minkman and her books, visit her website.You can also find her on Goodreads, Facebook, & Twitter.
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