For Always is getting a new cover along with it's sequel, And Forever, and you get to see both of them today!
(click for full size)
Genre: Young Adult (Contemporary Romance)
Date Published: October 27, 2011
Publisher: Self
“There’s nothing you can’t do if you want it bad enough.”
I entered the world with a massive defect. I attracted death. Like a magnet. I could feel it all around me. It wrapped its icy fingers tight around my chest, leaving me no room for escape. That was my life before I met Jordan Brewer, the boy I became infatuated with. Obsessed with. The boy that became my everything.
I knew he wanted me, too. I saw it. I felt it. But he was older, and wouldn’t act on his feelings. I knew in time I’d make him mine. Just as he promised me a future together, his life was torn apart. He turned away from me and shut me out of his life. Could I convince him to let go of his past and hold on to me? Or would he continue to punish us both for something he couldn’t control?
(click for full size)
Genre: Young Adult (Contemporary Romance)
Date Published: February 2015
Publisher: Self
“Sometimes being with the one you love hurts more than being without them.”
“There’s nothing you can’t do if you want it bad enough.” This is the mantra Jordan Brewer drilled into my head since the day I met him. He convinced me nothing is out of my reach, not even him.
I love Jordan, and Jordan loves me, but something always gets in the way. I had to fight tooth and nail to convince him we belong together. Now he’s mine, but I’m not sure our love is strong enough to survive.
I’m away at school and Jordan’s playing drums for a local band. We hardly see each other, and when we do, he’s haunted by demons from his past. I’m struggling to fit in and he’s struggling with his ever-growing mountain of guilt. Will we be able to hold on to each other through the tough times, or will it all come tumbling down around us?

Check out my reviews some of Danielle Sibarium's other novels...

Danielle always loved dialogue and in elementary school began writing plays and short stories. This is when she began to understand she could not only bring her fantastical world to life for herself, but she could enchant others as well. And so she wrote. She wrote and wrote and wrote.
Sadly the first piece she ever sent out for publication of any sort was a letter to the editor of The Home News Tribune. It was a piece thanking the first responders for their bravery and selflessness on Sept 11th. It was chosen as letter of the week.
In 2007 Danielle collaborated with Charlotte Doreen Small to write songs for her CD More. Danielle wrote the lyrics for Take My Hand, and Goodbye, while Charlotte contributed the melody.
In October 2011 Danielle’s debut novel For Always was released. She Has since released Heart Waves and the second book in the Heart Waves series, Breaking Waves.
Danielle graduated from Farleigh Dickinson University with honors, and currently lives in New Jersey with her husband and three children. Check out my interview with Danielle!
To learn more about Danielle Sibarium, visit her website. You can also find her on Twitter, Facebook, & tsu.
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