Genre: Children & Adult Fiction (Contemporary Comedy)
Date Published: January 1, 1955
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers

Eloise has been delighting readers for more than sixty years —though she’s still not a day over six!
Eloise is a very special little girl who lives at The Plaza Hotel in New York City. She may not be pretty yet, but she’s definitely already a real person. She loves learning about people who aren’t boring. Take Eloise home with you and she’ll introduce you to life at The Plaza. You’ll be glad you did!

Eloise by Kay Thompson was given to me by a long time customer at work. I have a dog named Eloise, but never knew of the book, so she wanted me to have it and read it to my Eloise. She’s a super sweet woman. My Eloise fell asleep on my lap during the process, as she likes to do, but I thoroughly enjoyed the book. It says its a book for adults, but I think children would enjoy it just as much. I felt like there were many themes going on. Outwardly, you have this little girl, always getting into trouble and what not, but when you take look at her… her mom is never around. She’s being raised by a nanny. Her bag is always packed waiting for her mom to take her traveling. Sadly, all this girl has is the hotel and the people in it. That’s is her life. They are her family. Despite it all, Eloise is happy.

To learn more about Kay Thompson and her books, visit her on Goodreads.
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