"There is no mistaking a real book when one meets it. It is like falling in love."~Christopher Morley
Hi everyone!
My family, friends, and animals are my life. I have lived most of my life in Tennessee, and I love it here, but I will always be a New Yorker at heart. I enjoy reading fiction of all kinds, and I love sharing what I read with others, so here I am.
I loathe spoilers. So, I try to avoid giving too much detail in my reviews that I feel will spoil the enjoyment of reading the book for yourself. Because of this, my reviews will probably be a little shorter than most.
I've always loved reading. After reading Twilight in 2008, my hunger for reading went into overdrive, and it hasn't slowed up since. I wanted that to be reflected in my blog name. Plus, I liked the way it sounded.
I hope you come back again and again. If you have questions about this blog, any of my posts, or just want to chit chat, drop me a line. Thank you for joining me on my adventure to find out What's Beyond Forks!
*Note: Like I've said on the Review Policy Page, I like to read a little bit of everything. Some of the books I review have a little naughty-ness in them. Some have more than a little and may not be suitable for younger readers.
Everyone's opinion on what's appropriate for certain age groups is different. For the purposes of this blog, I think it's safe to go under the assumption that Adult Fiction is suitable for ages 18 and up, New Adult is 17 and up, and Young Adult is good for everyone for the most part. Obviously this isn't a concrete method, but it's easier than trying to guess what everyone will be okay with. Please use your own discretion. (April 25, 2014)
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